Emily M Walker

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My Business Journey Started With A Lot Of Rage

When I first started looking to transition out of the corporate world, I stumbled into the Narnia that is the world of online business and that’s where I saw all of these people creating courses and teaching others how to create courses - and at first, I was super excited.

And then I got angry.

Because I saw that so many of these ‘courses on courses’ were 99% percent focused on marketing, and barely touched on how to design a program that actually gets people results.

The sales pages were filled with language about their ‘magic formula’ to get you ‘passive income’, or their ‘3 step process’ to ‘create your course in a weekend’ so you can ‘easily make thousands of dollars while you sleep’.

I’m sure you’ve seen it too, and I’m sure you’ve suffered through courses that were created that way.

The end result of these dominant industry voices is that you’re burnt out.

  • You’re sick of crappy courses that you never finish.

  • You’re sick of group programs that firehose you with information.

  • You’re sick of investing your hard-earned money to only find out that their ‘magic formula’ just doesn’t work for you.

And most of all, you don’t want to add another horrible course experience to the pile of thousands gathering dust in your digital course graveyard.

All of it made me so angry at the beginning and honestly, it still makes me mad now because I care so much about two things:

1️.  I care deeply about the experience that your students and clients have in your program. I want to make sure that they’re getting value and they’re achieving the promised results in the most streamlined, ease-filled way possible.

2.  I care about how you feel during every part of the process, whether it’s designing your program, creating your videos, or delivering your course. I want you to feel confident, in love with what you’re creating and so. freaking. stoked. about your program.

My rage about the current status quo in the course creation industry means that I am fiercely dedicated to helping you be the change that our industry so desperately needs.

So instead of subpar courses, let’s create the best programs anyone has ever experienced.

Instead of content overwhelm, let’s use my framework to intentionally curate every piece of your program.

Instead of squishing ourselves into someone else’s “right way” to do things, let’s figure out what feels best for YOU and works best for your PEOPLE.

If you’re ready to create the most phenomenal program, if you want to be supported through the process, and if you want to work with someone who is throwing the ‘guru advice’ out the window and focusing on the perfect balance of educational psych and intuition - you’re invited to join Masterpiece.

It’s going to be 6 months of high-touch support, and custom-to-you advice to create the most magical program you can imagine. Just starting out on your course creation journey? Then check out my free video series ‘Begin’ where you’ll tune into your vision for your most magnetic program and overcome the mindset blocks holding you back from starting to create your course.


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